Values, interest, and skills have been considered three important parameters to judge whether a person is satisfied with his job or not. But these three are not sufficient as realized by many HR professionals and management gurus in the recent times. Many people have to make a career choice when they have just crossed the teenage and it becomes quite tough to change the track once everything seems to be settled.
In the initial stages, most people opt for a career which promises to pay well irrespective of their interest. The common prevailing logic…so what if I do not enjoy the work, I will train myself to enjoy it. And they get trapped to carry out the job in a mechanical way. Once they get married and are engulfed in the finance of car and home then it becomes really hard to quite the job they never enjoy doing. These were the jobs that were supposed to match the values, interests, and skills then what is the problem that the case studies reveal that over 50% people are not satisfied with their jobs.
The answer to this problem can be found in personality types. There are sixteen different personality types and studies reveal that the people in the job matching their personality tend to excel in their respective fields and enjoy the work. It has been around for 50 years and it’s been used by eighty nine percent of the Fortune 100 companies. Unlike the values, interest, and skills the personality types do not change and when you are in a befitting job then you get energized and give more than the usual 9 to 5 routine job where you feel burnt out working only 5-6 hours. So, it’s right time that you know your type and do the job in sync with your personality. After all, you will be there working for a long- long time.
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